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Black Water

Our  Technology


A new way to disinfect your water

EMOD, or electrochemical mixed oxidant disinfectant, is our patented in situ disinfectant generator that automatically produces a powerful mix of oxidants and disinfectants which is safer, more efficient & cheaper than any other disinfectant method in the market. In situ production of disinfectants means savings in transportation, chemicals, lead times, and labor as well as creating a safer work environment for operators. EMOD can be used to disinfect any body of water including water wells, lakes, cooling towers, swimming pools, water treatment plants, among others."

How it Works

Saline electrolysis is an electrochemical process that produces mixed oxidant disinfectants through a reaction inside an electrolytic cell, with a solution of brine (common salt) and direct current. By generating an electric discharge inside the cell, the salt ions and the water molecules are separated and rearranged to produce the electrolytic disinfectant product. 

EMOD Flow Diagram.JPG
How it Work



EMOD's Automation and Smart Dosing capabilities ensure cities meet their compliance requirements 100%

Logistics Savings

We eliminate the need to ship disinfectants to your site while reducing overall operating costs.

Reduce Energy and Human Contact

We reduce the carbon footprint as well as the energy impact on the city amid minimizing human contact with dangerous chemicals.

Track Record of Success 

We help cities create value by reducing their cost of water treatment while offering advanced control over water quality.

Ideal Applications

  • Wastewater Treatment Plants

  • Water Purification Plants

  • Oil & Gas

  • Cooling Towers

  • Public and Private Pools

  • Water Wells

  • Lakes

Ideal Applications
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